Adding The Watchlist

1 min. readlast update: 12.27.2024

How to Add or Restore the Watchlist

While logged into your trading account, you can view instruments or symbols from the left-side panel. This section, previously known as "Market Watch," is now referred to as the "Watchlist" or "Default Watchlist" when using the platform's default layout.

Restore the Default Layout

If the Watchlist is accidentally closed, you can restore it by:

  1. Clicking the Layout icon located at the top right corner of your screen, next to the menu.
  2. Hovering over Default Layout and selecting Load, then clicking on Load Layout.
  3. Your session will refresh with the default layout, bringing back the Watchlist.

Manually Add the Watchlist

If you prefer not to reset the layout, you can add the Watchlist back manually by:

  1. Clicking on the Tools menu at the top of your screen.
  2. Selecting Watchlist from the available tools.

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