Sway Chart: How can I add the Watchlist?

1 min. readlast update: 08.06.2024

While logged into your Sway Charts account, you can view instruments or symbols from the left-side panel on your screen. Previously known as "market watch" the section that one can view the instruments on is now called "Watchlist" or "Default Watchlist" if you are viewing on the default view on your Sway Charts account.


"I closed the watchlist by mistake. How do I get it back on my Sway Charts account?"

Method 1

  • If you happen to have closed the watchlist, you can restore it by clicking on the "Layout" Icon which is located in the top right corner of the screen next to the menu. 
  • Hover over Default Layout & click on Load, then Load Layout. 
  • Your session should refresh with the default layout.


Method 2

  • If you do not wish to load the layout, instead you can just add the watchlist by clicking on the "tools" menu at the top of the screen, then select the tool you wish to add again, in this case, click on "Watchlist"


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