Sway Charts: Trading Dashboard

4 min. readlast update: 08.06.2024

The Trading Dashboard is the interface within Sway Charts that provides a visual overview of key market information. It includes Total Net P&L, Avg Daily Net P&L, Win Rate, Risk Reward Ratio, Max Drawdown, and much more! It allows traders to monitor their trading portfolio. 

To open your Trading Dash Board on Sway Charts, click on 'Trading Dash Board':


After clicking on your Sway Charts Trading Dashboard, you will be presented with several essential market data:



  • Total Net P&L - Total Net P&L stands for "Total Net Profit and Loss," representing the overall financial gain or loss resulting from all completed trades and positions in your Sway Charts trading account.


  • Avg Daily Net P&L - refers to the average daily net profit or loss in your Sway Charts trading account, providing a measure of the average financial performance over a specified period.


  • Risk/Reward Ratio - is a key metric in trading that assesses the potential profit (reward) relative to the potential loss (risk) in a trade. It helps traders evaluate the balance between the risk taken and the potential reward sought, aiding in strategic decision-making. 


  • % Return - is a measure indicating the percentage change in the value of your Sway Charts trading account over a specific period. It quantifies the profitability or loss, offering a percentage representation of the overall financial performance. 


  • Avg Winning Trade Holding Time - represents the average duration that successful Sway Charts trades are held before being closed. This metric provides insight into the typical time frame for profitable trades in a trading strategy. 


  • Avg Losing Trade Holding Time - signifies the average duration that unsuccessful trades are maintained before being closed. 


  • Win Rate - is a performance metric in Sway Charts that expresses the percentage of successful trades out of the total number of trades. It provides a quick measure of a trading strategy's effectiveness by indicating the proportion of winning trades relative to all executed trades.


  • Max Drawdown - is a risk metric that represents the maximum percentage decline in the value of a trading account from its peak to its lowest point. It measures the largest loss experienced before a recovery and is used to assess the potential risk and volatility of an investment strategy.


  • Avg Winning Trade Net P&L - represents the average net profit of successful trades. This metric provides insight into the typical financial outcome of winning trades, helping traders assess the effectiveness of their profitable positions.


  • Avg Losing Trade Net P&L - is the average net loss incurred in unsuccessful trades. This metric offers insights into the typical financial outcome of losing trades, aiding traders in evaluating the impact of unprofitable positions. 


  • Instruments Traded (Overall positive and negative product P&L) - refers to the cumulative profit and loss (P&L). It encompasses the total financial gain or loss generated from all Trades, providing a comprehensive overview of its performance in a given period.


  • Per Day Traded Net P&L - refers to the average daily net profit or loss for a selected period and selected aggregation level grouped by weekdays. It provides a measure of the financial performance on a day-to-day basis, indicating the gains or losses achieved through buying and selling financial instruments within a specific trading period.


Sway Charts offer a comprehensive view of crucial data pertaining to a specific instrument or symbol within a designated time frame. Sway Charts traders have the flexibility to choose from predefined time ranges such as Today, Last Week, Last Month, and All History. Alternatively, traders can specify a custom time range to tailor their analysis more precisely.





'Asset Type' denotes the particular instrument or symbol for which you wish to access detailed information on your Sway Charts Trading Dashboard. To update and refresh all metrics on your Sway Charts Trading Dashboard, simply click on the 'Refresh Metrics' option.




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